Paraphrasing (20th paragraph)


Tsingtao, which has been exporting beer to North America since 1978, has had sales there of about $7 million annually over the past three years. Five Star, on the other hand, could “become one of the smaller imported beers in the U.S.,” says a beer-industry analyst at a British brokerage in Hong Kong. One reason is that Asimco has chosen an efficient distributor, Florida-based Northland Beverage Corp. In September, the first four containers of Five Star were shipped to the U.S., and if all goes well, Perkowski reckons Asimco will be selling 3 million cases annually in about two to three years. That would help the beer to crack the list of 25 best-selling foreign brands in the U. S.— now topped by Mexico’s Corona beer.

The main idea of the paragraph

Asimco, choosing an efficient distributor, plans to help Five Star to crack the list of 25 best-selling foreign brands in the U.S. Asimco
