Paraphrasing (17th paragraph)


Chinese brands under the wings of foreign companies usually have the advantage of plumper marketing budgets and better access to management expertise. But although overseas companies typically buy these brands to gain access to China’s consumers and distribution channels, they also can have large plans for their acquisitions. “The multinationals that are buying up Chinese brands are not going to restrict their business to the domestic market,” says Day of A. T. Kearney. “Some of these brands aren’t necessarily going to be pitched against premium brands abroad immediately, but they might be pitched in other segments of the market. I’d look at China in the long-term as being the source of significant competition for multinational brands globally.”

The main idea of the paragraph

By means of joint venture, merger, or acquisition, Chinese enterprises can gain access to the marketing funds, management expertise, etc. when taking their brand to the world. Chinese brands aren’t necessarily pitched against foreign premium brands, but will, in the long run, become a significant competitor.
