Paraphrasing (6th paragraph)


Besides bringing in additional revenue, a global brand also burnishes a company’s image in China, stimulating sales among status-conscious domestic consumers. For example, state-owned soft-drinks maker Jianlibao has developed its overseas market in part to “establish a good image”, which in turn enhances consumption at home, says Chief Executive Han Weixian.

The main idea of the paragraph

Besides bringing in additional revenue, a global brand also stimulates sales at home.


soft drink

The term soft drink originally applied to carbonated drinks (汽水)and non-carbonated drinks made from concentrates, although it now commonly refers to almost any cold drink that does not contain alcohol. Beverages like colas, sparkling water (=soda water 苏打水), lemonade, and fruit punch (果汁喷趣酒(清凉饮料)) are among the most common types of soft drinks, while hot chocolate, tea, coffee, milk and milkshake do not fall into this classification. 不含酒精的饮料,软性饮料