Paraphrasing (4th paragraph)


Some of these brands will eventually go abroad via joint ventures or mergers and acquisitions. For their foreign owners, the brands will provide speedier access to China’s consumer market and distribution channels, while at the same time serving to complement the owners’ premium brands in global markets.

The main idea of the paragraph

Some of Chinese brands will go abroad via joint venture, mergers and acquisitions.


1、joint venture

A joint venture (often abbreviated JV) 合资企业 is a legal entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together. The parties agree to create a new entity by both contributing equity, and they then share in the revenues, expenses, and control of the enterprise. The venture can be for one specific project only, or a continuing business relationship such as the Sony Ericsson joint venture.

2、mergers and acquisitions - M&A  合并和购并

A general term used to refer to the consolidation of companies. A merger is a combination of two companies to form a new company, while an acquisition is the purchase of one company by another with no new company being formed.