Paraphrasing (9th paragraph)


Although targeted at SOEs - private companies have greater spending freedom - the 5% limit is bound to hamper Chinese brands. Jianlibao, for example, has invested about $10 million to sell its brand in the U.S. market, but Li Jingwei, the company’s general manager, knows that’s just a drop in the bucket. Sitting in his office at Jianlibao’s industrial complex in Sanshui, a 40-minute drive from Guangzhou, Li reckons that to successfully generate brand recognition among Americans, the company needs to spend at least $50 million - 100 million on marketing. He has no doubt that consumers will like Jianhibao’s range of sports and soft drinks (which taste remarkably like Coca-Cola’s Coke, Sprite and Orange Fanta), but explains that “we need money to invest in promoting ourselves.”

The main idea of the paragraph

The case of Jianlibao indicates that the lack of funds hampers Chinese brands going international.



1、Although targeted at SOEs – private companies have greater spending freedom – the 5% limit is bound to hamper Chinese brands.

1)“Although targeted at SOEs”是个省略了主语“the 5% limit”和助动词“is”的让步状语从句。

2) 破折号内的“private companies have greater spending freedom”是个补充说明,相当于由“but”引导的并列句,表示对照。

2、sb has no doubt that-clause/there is no doubt that-clause


He has no doubt that/There's no doubt that one day a cure will be found for the disease.


1、be bound to do sth

certain to happen or do something because of custom, experience, or common sense dictates it必定会. e.g.

If you play music late at night, people are bound to complain.

2、a drop in the bucket (AmE), a drop in the ocean (BrE)

a very small amount of something compared to what is needed or wanted: 微不足道之数

5000 new schools are to be built, but this is just a drop in the ocean for such a vast country.