Paraphrasing (5th paragraph)


The concept of Chinese brands has been evolving through the 1990s, but is now getting greater attention at home. Although the domestic market is still robust, a handful of state-owned enterprises, or SOEs, including listed Chinese companies, are now looking to establish international brands because they reckon the quality of both their products and their management has improved. Chinese joint ventures think their products can compete on quality with foreign brands anywhere, while enjoying the advantage of being perceived as exotic.

The main idea of the paragraph

A number of Chinese enterprises are looking to establish international brands on the strength of something their product quality and exotic appeal.


Although the domestic market is still robust, a handful of state-owned enterprises, or SOEs, including listed Chinese companies, are now looking to establish international brands because they reckon the quality of both their products and their management has improved.

1)“Although the domestic market is still robust”是个让步状语从句。

2)“a handful of state-owned enterprises, or SOEs, including listed Chinese companies, are now looking to establish international brands”是主句,其中现在分词短语“including listed Chinese companies”做定语,修饰名词短语“a handful of state-owned enterprises”。

3)“because they reckon the quality of both their products and their management has improved”是原因状语从句,其中“(that) the quality of both their products and their management has improved”是动词“reckon”的宾语从句。

4)… while enjoying the advantage of being perceived as exotic 这是个省略了主语“Chinese joint ventures”和助动词“are”的时间状语从句。