Paraphrasing (1st paragraph)


“Made in China” lost its novelty long ago. The label has become ubiquitous in much of the world, affixed to shoes, toys, apparel and a host of other items produced for global companies. What is a novelty, however, are China-made goods sold under Chinese brand names. Only a handful of Chinese firms so far have the money and the management expertise to establish international brands; most of the vast remainder are struggling to attain even national recognition. But the pioneering companies testing the waters overseas could be on the threshold of something big.

The main idea of the paragraph

It is no longer a novelty that China-made products have entered the world market, what is new is that Chinese brands are also going international.


1、a host of

a large number of (people or things)一大群;许多,e.g.

A host of showbusiness celebrities have pledged their support.

2、test the water/waters

to check people's reaction to a plan before you decide to use it 试水 e.g.

The government is clearly testing the water, to gauge the country's reactions to their proposals.