Paraphrasing (2nd paragraph)


Some believe that individually, with the help of enterprising local management or eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable, Chinese brands could become a global phenomenon within a decade, marketed on quality and exotic appeal, as well as competitive pricing. Says Viveca Chan, Hong Kong based managing director at Grey China, an advertising agency: “If there’s one country in the world that has ample potential for taking brands global, it’s China.”

The main idea of the paragraph

Some believe that with their quality and exotic appeal, as well as their competitive prices, some of Chinese brands could become a global phenomenon within a decade.



Some believe that individually, with the help of enterprising local management or eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable, Chinese brands could become a global phenomenon within a decade, marketed on quality and exotic appeal, as well as competitive pricing.

1)“Some believe”是主句,“that individually, with the help of enterprising local management or eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable, Chinese brands could become a global phenomenon within a decade, marketed on quality and exotic appeal, as well as competitive pricing”是宾语从句。

2)介词短语“with the help of enterprising local management or eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable”做方式状语,修饰宾语从句中的谓语动词“could become”。

3)“eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable”,其中,现在分词短语“wanting to add new products to their stable”做定语修饰“eager multinational partners”。

4)过去分词短语“marketed on quality and exotic appeal, as well as competitive pricing” 也是做方式状语,修饰宾语从句中的谓语动词“could become”。