
  • What are the attractions of Chinese products to foreigners?
  • What Chinese products can go successfully to the world market?
  • What are some of the factors that prevent Chinese brands from going international?
  • What is needed to develop a brand, especially an international brand?
  • What role does foreign investment play in helping Chinese businesses to build brand recognition?
  • Why are foreign investors interested in setting up joint ventures with Chinese businesses?
  • What benefits can Chinese enterprises gain when establishing their brands overseas?
  • How does Jianlibao try to take its brand to the world?
  • What helps Haier to build its reputation in the international markets?
  • Why does the author compare the brand recognition to the Long March?
Translate the following sentences into English.
  • 我们即将进入经济发展的新时期。
  • 你在参与他们的活动时应该小心谨慎;在完全投身于其中之前应先试试水。
  • 伦敦成功地争取到了主办2012年的夏季奥运会。
  • 我认为受到了虐待,但是,与你的经历相比我的就算不得什么了。
  • 这家工厂每周都生产出数千双这样的鞋。
  • 我们准备让那个候选人经受激烈的选举。
  • 该公司应该能够靠现在的合同生成很多生意。
  • 你在去面试之前肯定会感觉紧张的。
  • 在那么多人都支持这个建议的情况下,我的抗议信真是微不足道。
  • 我从来就没有怀疑过你会在演讲比赛中获胜。
Translate the follow paragraph into Chinese

Certainly importing goods, outsourcing production, and off shoring services represent major economic challenges. … The truth is that there are huge benefits accruing to the U.S. from China. Unlike Japan, China is an extremely open market, and American multinational companies are making big profits selling products there. By outsourcing production, corporations are lowering costs for U.S. consumers, keeping inflation low. Doing business in China raises U.S. corporate returns on capital – and boosts share prices. But the great fear among economists is that if too many high-tech manufacturing and sophisticated service jobs shift to China and India at the same time, wages will fall in large segments of the American economy. Whole sectors could be hit hard. Then the benefits of the China trade would accrue to corporations and investors only, not to the workers or consumers. In the end, falling incomes could slow overall economic growth.