Paraphrasing (25th paragraph)


There is no palatable alternative to free economies and free trade. A market economy isn't simply a place where people provide goods and services in the pursuit of profits — not that there's anything wrong with that. Market competition is also a discovery process; a way of learning things we wouldn't otherwise know, and which we learn from people we may have never met. It is that knowledge that makes us more productive, wealthier, healthier, and better able to protect our world. The ability to reason and innovate is one of mankind's greatest gifts. Yet the only way to realize that potential, to get at the knowledge that improves our lives, is through an open market system where people are allowed to compete to satisfy the wants and needs of others. We need, in other words, the freedom to trade. Any barriers that short circuit that process leave us with a smaller pool of talent and ideas, and thus leave us poorer. The blessings of free markets at home are undeniable; trade merely widens the circle of opportunity to people who's previously been excluded.

The main idea of the paragraph

Free market economies and free trade are the most effective way to learn knowledge, to realize our potential, to create wealth, to satisfy our wants and needs, and to improve our life.



1、Market competition is also a discovery process, a way of learning things we wouldn't otherwise know, and (in) which we learn from people we may have never met.


  1)“Market competition is also a discovery process”是主句

  2)“a way of learning things …have never met”是同位语,对“a discovery process”进行说明

  3)定语从句“we wouldn't otherwise know”修饰名词“things”

  4)定语从句“(in) which we learn from people we may have never met”修饰名词“way”,其中“we may have never met”是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“people”

2、Yet the only way to realize that potential, (and) to get at the knowledge that improves our lives, is through an open market system where people are allowed to compete to satisfy the wants and needs of others.


  1)“Yet the only way to realize that potential, (and) to get at the knowledge is through an open market system”是主句,其中的两个动词不定式“to realize that potential”和“to get at the knowledge”修饰名词“way”

  2)限制性的定语从句“that improves our lives”修饰名词“knowledge”

  3)限制性的定语从句“where people are allowed to compete to satisfy the wants and needs of others”修饰名词“system”