Paraphrasing (24th paragraph)


If nothing else, the spectacle of Quebec should dispel any lingering doubts about whether the anti-trade left has anything new to offer the world's poor. Indeed, the ideological gulf between residents of developing countries and their so-called defenders in the West is wider than ever. The pretexts may be new—human rights, environmental protection, and cultural diversity—but the prescription is as stale as ever: trade barriers and redistributive social system. Never mind that those policies have failed time and again; anti-trade activists can abide anything, it seems, except choice and freedom. Their promise of government-sponsored prosperity is phony; it hasn't and won't ever deliver the goods. Countries that have followed such advice have made little progress in raising living standards, while those that have embraced free markets have seen real improvements in the lives of average people.

The main idea of the paragraph

To the poverty in developing countries, the anti-free trade left had no new solution but the stale prescription of trade barriers and redistributive social system, which had failed time and again. To solve the problem of poverty, the most effective way is to embrace free markets.



1、If nothing else, the spectacle of Quebec should dispel any lingering doubts about whether the anti-trade left has anything new to offer the world’s poor.


  1)“the spectacle of Quebec should dispel any lingering doubts about”是主句

  2)“If (there is) nothing else”是省略了“there is”的条件状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词“should dispel”

  3)从句“whether the anti-trade left has anything new to offer the world’s poor”作介词“about”的宾语

2、Never mind that those policies have failed time and again; anti-trade activists can abide anything, it seems, except choice and freedom.

  这个句子和第20段中的句子相同,也是用分号连接两个并列的句子“Never mind that those policies have failed time and again”和“anti-trade activists can abide anything, it seems, except choice and freedom”。