Paraphrasing (15th paragraph)


The success of diversion and appeasement, however, depended on several factors that no longer pertain. For one thing, the Cold War is over and trade liberalization can no longer be sold as a tool for strengthening the Atlantic alliance. Meanwhile, the spread of globalization means that trade is no longer an insider's game; today, international economic issues arouse popular passions that can spill onto the streets. The strategy of diversion-and-appeasement is not well suited to advancing free trade in this new environment. Indeed, the approach has become self-defeating. By failing to directly challenge mercantilist assumptions and fair trade fallacies—that is, to make an unapologetic case for truly free and open trade—economic liberals are helping to perpetuate popular suspicions that trade's critics have legitimate complaints. That is especially true in socialist-leaning Europe, which often views globalization as being imposed by the United States.

The main idea of the paragraph

Trade liberalization did not go as smoothly as it once had due to the change in the condition on which the diversion and appeasement policy had worked. Besides, economic liberals did not make a successful case for truly free and open trade.



By failing to directly challenge mercantilist assumptions and fair trade fallacies – that is, to make an unapologetic case for truly free and open trade – economic liberals are helping to perpetuate popular suspicions that trade's critics have legitimate complaints.


  1)"economic liberals are helping to perpetuate popular suspicions"是主句

  2)介词短语"By failing to directly challenge mercantilist assumptions and fair trade fallacies – that is, to make an unapologetic case for truly free and open trade"作状语,说明主句中谓语动词发生的方式,其中"to make an unapologetic case for truly free and open trade"相当于一个同位语结构,对"to directly challenge mercantilist assumptions and fair trade fallacies"进行说明

  3)"that trade's critics have legitimate complaints"是同位语从句,说明"suspicions"的内容


1、cold war 冷战

The open yet restricted rivalry that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. The Cold War was waged on political, economic, and propaganda fronts and had only limited recourse to weapons. The term was first used by the American financier and presidential adviser Bernard Baruch during a congressional debate in 1947.

The Cold War began to break down in the late 1980s during the administration of Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev. He dismantled the totalitarian aspects of the Soviet system and began efforts to democratize the Soviet political system. When communist regimes in the Soviet-bloc countries of eastern Europe collapsed in 1989–90, Gorbachev acquiesced (默许) in their fall. The rise to power of democratic governments in East Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia was quickly followed by the unification of West and East Germany under NATO auspices, again with Soviet approval.

Gorbachev's internal reforms had meanwhile weakened his own Communist Party and allowed power to shift to Russia and the other constituent republics of the Soviet Union. In late 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed and 15 newly independent nations were born from its corpse, including a Russia with a democratically elected, anticommunist leader. The Cold War had come to an end.

2、mercantilist assumption 重商主义的观点

a basic mercantilist assumption, that is, exports are good, imports are bad, and emphasis was thus placed on the promotion of exports and of the related economic interests. Or, a mercantilist assumption that one country's trade gains were another's losses.

3、make (out) a case for

to find good reasons that prove something or show why you need (to do) something 证明…有理由,提出有利于…的理由,e.g.

  1)We will publish a new edition if you can make a convincing case for it.如果你能够提出令人信服的理由的话,我们将出新版。

  2)We made (out) a case for hiring another assistant.我们提出了再聘用一个助手的理由。