Paraphrasing (21st paragraph)


Another way to further free trade is by reforming the dispute settlement process in the WTO. Specifically, there should be more reliance upon "compensation" as the means for enforcing judgments against nations that violate their trade commitments. Currently, plaintiff countries tend to turn to sanctions, as the United States has done in the now infamous US-EU disputes over beef and bananas. The idea is to punish an offending nation into dropping its trade barriers by punishing its exporters with high tariffs—a result that harms consumers in both countries. Instead, countries that lose in the WTO should be required to drop trade barriers in some other sector as compensation for their WTO-illegal protectionism. Compensation would encourage countries to abide by their trade commitments while moving us in the right direction: towards open markets.

The main idea of the paragraph

To have other countries open their markets, another thing that can be done is to reform the WTO dispute-settling process by relying more upon compensation instead of sanctions and requiring the countries violating their trade commitment to drop trade barriers in some aspects.



The idea is to punish an offending nation into dropping its trade barriers by punishing its exporters with high tariffs – a result that harms consumers in both countries.


  1)“The idea is to punish an offending nation into dropping its trade barriers”是主要部分

  2)介词短语“by punishing its exporters with high tariffs”修饰动词不定式“to punish…”

  3)“a result that harms consumers in both countries” 是动名词短语“punishing its exporters with high tariffs”的同位语,对其进行说明,其中的“that harms consumers in both countries”是定语从句,修饰名词“result”