Paraphrasing (10th paragraph)


Like a Japanese soldier isolated on a Pacific island, people on the streets of Quebec didn't realize that the war over the effects of trade is over, and the free traders have won. Hundreds of studies, and even casual observation, show us that misery eventually falls wherever markets expand. Countries that are open to international trade and investment tend to grow faster than those countries that seal themselves off from the global economy; more than twice as fast according to conservative calculations by the OECD. What 's more, the wealth created by trade leads to higher living standards across the income spectrum. Millions upon millions of people have been lifted out of conditions of abject poverty since developing countries began to open their markets two decades ago—a feat unmatched at any time in history. Yet the protesters see none of that, choosing to make themselves the enemies of the downtrodden by denying poor countries the tools of development, arguing that free trade cause poverty. Such ignorance is criminal.

The main idea of the paragraph

The protesters in the streets of Quebec City were as ignorant of the reality as a Japanese soldier on a Pacific island at the end of the Second World War. Contrary to their claims, free trade had contributed to huge improvement in the living standard of the developing countries and helped millions upon millions of people get rid of poverty.



1、Countries that are open to international trade and investment tend to grow faster than those countries that seal themselves off from the global economy; more than twice as fast according to conservative calculations by the OECD.


  1)"Countries tend to grow faster … more than twice as fast according to conservative calculations by the OECD"是主句,其中"faster"是副词,做状语,修饰动词"grow","more than twice as fast according to conservative calculations by the OECD"是个副词词组,也修饰动词"grow",作状语,其中的"more than twice","as"和"according to conservative calculations by the OECD"分别修饰"fast"

  2)"that are open to international trade and investment"是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词"countries"

  3)"than those countries that seal themselves off from the global economy"是省略了谓语的比较状语从句,和faster一起构成比较,其中,"that seal themselves off from the global economy"也是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词"countries"

2、Yet the protesters see none of that, choosing to make themselves the enemies of the downtrodden by denying poor countries the tools of development, arguing that free trade causes poverty.


  1)"Yet the protesters see none of that"是主句

  2)现在分词短语"choosing to make … causes poverty"作伴随状语,说明和"see"同时发生的动作,其中,"arguing that free trade causes poverty"也是一个现在分词短语,作伴随状语,说明和"denying"同时发生的动作,从句"that free trade causes poverty"作"arguing"的宾语