Paraphrasing (19th paragraph)


Nor can free traders continue to tolerate the worst trade barriers at home. In Europe, that obviously means that the Common Agricultural Policy must be tackled head-on. The use of anti-dumping duties as covert protectionism must be exposed. And politically powerful industries, such as steel and textiles, must no longer be coddled or bought off with targeted quotas and tariffs. Part of the plan for achieving those goals must be to organize import-using and exporting businesses —sectors of the economies in most EU countries that dwarf protected industries—into a new free trade coalition. That strategy has begun to work in the United States, where, for example, automobile manufacturers and other steel-using industries have begun to fight efforts by domestic steel manufacturers to further close the already protected US market.

The main idea of the paragraph

Free trade advocates should, besides publicizing the benefits of free trade, also fight trade protectionism at home and, together with import-using and exporting businesses, form a free trade coalition.



1、Part of the plan for achieving those goals must be to organize import-using and exporting businesses – sectors of the economies in most EU countries that dwarf protected industries – into a new free trade coalition.


  1)“Part of the plan for achieving those goals must be to organize import-using and exporting businesses into a new free trade coalition.”是主句,介词短语“for achieving those goals”修饰名词“plan”

  2)“sectors of the economies in most EU countries that dwarf protected industries”作同位语,对“import-using and exporting businesses”进行说明,其中定语从句“that dwarf protected industries”修饰名词“sectors”

2、The strategy has begun to work in the United States, where, for example, automobile manufacturers and other steel-using industries have begun to fight efforts by domestic steel manufacturers to further close the already protected US market.


  1)“The strategy has begun to work in the United States”是主句

  2)“where automobile … protected US market”是个非限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“the United States”,其中介词短语“by domestic steel manufacturers”和动词不定式短语“to further close the already protected US market”都修饰名词“efforts”