Paraphrasing (3rd paragraph)


But I traveled to Quebec for the real show; the "People's Summit", an alternative event organized ostensibly to represent—what else?—the "people's views." (I had assumed that the elected leaders at the Summit were there for that purpose, but who am Ito question "the people"?). The Hemispheric Social Alliance, a coalition of ideological and economic interest groups that are opposed to free trade, had invited fringe groups, from the far-left to the farther-left, to a "carnival against capitalism" in a big white tent alongside the river. Gracious to a fault, the Canadian government (i.e. Canadian taxpayers) funded the event and paid for Latin American activists to attend.

The main idea of the paragraph

But the author was more interested in the "People's Summit", the demonstration outside the Summit of the Americas by those who were opposed to free trade.



1、But I traveled to Quebec for the real show; the "People's summit", an alternative event organized ostensibly to represent – what else? – the "people's view".


  1)"But I traveled to Quebec for the real show"是主要成分

  2)"People's summit"是同位语,说明"real show"的内容

  3)an alternative event organized ostensibly to represent the "people's view"是"People's summit"的同位语,说明"People's summit"的内容,其中"what else?"可以理解为是插入语

2、The Hemispheric Social Alliance, a coalition of ideological and economic interest groups that are opposed to free trade, had invited fringe groups, from the far-left to the farther-left, to a "carnival against capitalism" in a big white tent alongside the river.


  1)The Hemispheric Social Alliance had invited fringe groups, from the far-left to the farther-left, to a "carnival against capitalism" in a big white tent alongside the river. 是主句,其中"from the far-left to the farther-left"可以理解为是作定语,修饰名词"fringe groups"

  2)"a coalition of ideological and economic interest groups that are opposed to free trade"是"The Hemispheric Social Alliance"的同位语,说明其内容,其中的"that are opposed to free trade"是个限制性的定语从句,修饰"ideological and economic interest groups"