Paraphrasing (17th paragraph)


First, that will require abandoning the mercantilist assumptions of trade negotiations that stress only the benefits of open markets in other countries. Indeed, in the parlance of such negotiations, opening one's own market is a "concession" that is granted only grudgingly in exchange for a similar concession from a trading partner. But as economists since Adam Smith have pointed out, the idea of open markets as a concession gets reality exactly backwards: the real benefit of trade is imports, the necessary cost of which is exports. A nation benefits from opening its markets regardless of what other countries do.

The main idea of the paragraph

The next thing is to abandon the mercantilist assumptions of trade, that is, the idea of stressing the benefits of open markets in other countries. The Europeans should actively open their own markets to imports from other countries, whether they would open their own markets or not.



But as economists since Adam Smith have pointed out, the idea of open markets as a concession gets reality exactly backwards: the real benefits of trade is imports, the necessary cost of which is exports.


  1)“the idea of open markets as a concession gets reality exactly backwards”是主句

  2)“as economists since Adam Smith have pointed out”是非限制性的定语从句,对主句的内容进行补充说明

  3) “the real benefits of trade is imports, the necessary cost of which is exports”相当于一个并列的复合句,“the real benefits of trade is imports”是主句,“the necessary cost of which is exports”是非限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“imports”