Paraphrasing (8th paragraph)


My frustration grew as the Summit wore on. Hour after tedious hour, I stood in the sun listening to bandana-clad adolescents whining, loudly, about how they deserved to be on the other side of the 2.5 mile security fence that ringed the town center where the delegates were meeting. They wanted—no, deserved—seats at the negotiating table. One teenage crusader told me that Latin Americans would be better off living as hunter-gatherers, because" hunter-gatherers eat well every day". A unionized garment worker, whose job likely depends on making sure no one is allowed to buy shirts made in Honduras, straight-facedly hoisted a sign reading" Free trade equals corporate welfare." If that's true, then it's curious that so many industries, like textile manufacturers and steel plants, cling desperately to tariffs and subsidies.

The main idea of the paragraph

The author became more frustrated as he listened to the confusing and contradictory claims of the protestors outside the town center.



1、I stood in the sun listening to bandana-clad adolescents whining, loudly, about how they deserved to be on the other side of the 2.5 mile security fence that ringed the town center where the delegates were meeting.


  1)"I stood in the sun"是主句

  2)"listening to bandana-clad …where the delegates were meeting"是现在分词短语,作伴随状语,说明和"stood"同时发生的动作,其中

   (1)"bandana-clad adolescents"是宾语,现在分词短语"whining … were meeting"作宾语补足语

   (2)"how they deserved … meeting"是个宾语从句,作介词"about"的宾语,其中"that ringed … were meeting"是限制性定语从句,修饰名词"security fence","where the delegates were meeting"也是一个限制性定语从句,修饰其中的名词"town center"

2、A unionized garment worker, whose job likely depends on making sure no one is allowed to buy shirts made in Honduras, straight-facedly hoisted a sign reading "Free trade equals corporate welfare".


  1)"A unionized garment worker straight-facedly hoisted a sign reading ‘Free trade equals corporate welfare’"是主句,现在分词短语"reading ‘Free trade equals corporate welfare’"作定语,修饰名词"sign"

  2)"whose job likely depends on making sure no one is allowed to buy shirts made in Honduras"是个非限制性定语从句,修饰名词"worker",其中"no one is allowed to buy shirts made in Honduras"是宾语从句,作动词词组"making sure"的宾语