Paraphrasing (13th paragraph)


In short, free trade hasn't been imposed from the top down; it has arisen from the bottom up. The global trend toward economic freedom began as a direct response to the abject failure of protectionist, state-dominated development strategies, and it continues today for the same reason. In other words, the march toward economic freedom will go on even if the FTAA and the WTO fail. Nevertheless, the collapse of such institutions would be at best a setback for developing countries, as it would slow the global pace of economic liberalization. The recent spate of anti-trade, anti- capitalist protests should thus prompt free traders to reassess their strategy for advancing open markets.

The main idea of the paragraph

The process of economic globalization was driven by many countries who desired to develop their economy and who were disappointed with their "import substitution" development model. However, without the facilitation of international institutions like the WTO, the process would have been much slower, and some countries would have suffered.
