
Answer the following questions
  • What was listed at the top of the agenda of the Quebec Summit of the Americas?
  • Why was the protest considered a carnival?
  • What is meant by "people before profits"?
  • Why did the countries open to international trade and investment grow faster?
  • How did the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade contribute to international trade?
  • How did the policy of diversion and appeasement facilitate trade liberalization?
  • What factors contributed to the success of the policy of diversion and appeasement in facilitating trade liberalization?
  • What is mercantilist assumption?
  • How did it occur that free traders played into the hands of protectionists?
  • What is the Common Agricultural Policy?
  • What is an effective way to persuade a country to adopt free trade?
  • Why does a trade sanction end in a loss to both the imposing nation and the nation that bears it?
  • What merits can a free market economy bring to the nation that adopts it?
Translate the following sentences into English.
  • 在这些电视频道的节目中,智力竞赛很时兴。
  • 那场音乐会棒极了,它达到了我们所期望的水准。
  • 她和他结婚只是为了得到他的钱。
  • 我想我连走都不能走到那么远,更不用说跑那么远了。
  • 他们提出了一条很好的利用太阳能的理由。
  • 在篮球比赛中,彼得的犯规给对手一个可乘之机。
  • 有些家庭被陷在贫困的漩涡中。
  • 总之,我们需要削减成本。
  • 史密斯不愿就牵涉他对手的丑闻发表评论。
  • 想要通过惩罚让人去做他们不愿意做的事通常效果并不好。
Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Mercantilism is an economic theory and policy influential in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century that called for government regulation of a nation's economy in order to increase its power at the expense of rival nations. Though the theory existed earlier, the term was not coined until the 18th century; it was given currency by Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations (1776). Mercantilism's emphasis on the importance of gold and silver holdings as a sign of a nation's wealth and power led to policies designed to obtain precious metals through trade by ensuring "favorable" trade balances, meaning an excess of exports over imports, especially if a nation did not possess mines or have access to them. In a favorable trade balance, payments for the goods or services had to be made with gold or silver. Colonial possessions were to serve as markets for exports and as suppliers of raw materials to the mother country, a policy that created conflict between the European colonial powers and their colonies, in particular fanning resentment of Britain in the North American colonies and helping bring about the American Revolution. Mercantilism favored a large population to supply laborers, purchasers of goods, and soldiers. Thrift and saving were emphasized as virtues because they made possible the creation of capital. Mercantilism provided a favorable climate for the early development of capitalism but was later severely criticized, especially by advocates of laissez-faire, who argued that all trade was beneficial and that strict government controls were counterproductive.