Paraphrasing (14th paragraph)


For decades, trade liberalization has been pursued through a policy of "diversion and appeasement": diverting attention away from opening domestic markets by focusing on exports and foreign policy, and appeasing protectionists with "fair trade" policies that gave politically powerful industries a pass on foreign competition. That strategy worked reasonably well for a long time, and led to a gradual opening of markets around the world.

The main idea of the paragraph

Trade liberalization and economic globalization became possible (in Europe) due to the implementation of a "diversion and appeasement" policy.



For decades, trade liberalization has been pursued through a policy of "diversion and appeasement": diverting attention away from opening domestic markets by focusing on exports and foreign policy, and appeasing protectionists with "fair trade" policies that gave politically powerful industries a pass on foreign competition.


  1)"trade liberalization has … and appeasement"是主句

  2)"diverting attention … and foreign policy" 和 "appeasing protectionists … competition"作同位语,分别对“转移”和“让步”进行说明,后者中的"that gave politically powerful industries a pass on foreign competition"是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词"policies"