Paraphrasing (7th paragraph)


Despite the inanities, I made an earnest effort to understand what the Summit attendees were all about. I interviewed dozens of people, focusing on those with fewer than ten body piercings. I was "questioned" for nearly two hours by protesters at a Canadian version of a town hall meeting—not that anyone was interested in my opinion. I read all the anti-trade literature I could get my hands on. Yet throughout it all, not once did I hear a logical, never mind reasonable, case against free trade. Few had bothered to familiarize themselves with the most rudimentary principles of supply and demand, yet all professed an unassailable knowledge about how to best organize the international economy.

The main idea of the paragraph

Those who protested against the Quebec Trade Summit did not have any idea of basic principles of economics, yet they claimed they know how to organize international economic activities.



1、get one's hands on

to succeed in getting something 获得,e.g.

  1)I can never get my hands on a stapler in this office.在这个办公室,我从未能够找到一个订书机。

  2)Only if I could get my hands on a couple of hundred pounds, I'd be able to get married.只要我弄到两三百镑,我就可以结婚了。

2、never mind

used to say that something is not possible or likely, because even a less extreme thing is not possible or likely 更不用说,e.g.

  1)Well, you would have hardly got a bed in that room, never mind anything else.嗯,在那间屋里,你连一张床都没有,更不用说别的什么了。

  2)Xiamen University is one of the best universities in the country, never mind Tsinghua University.(连)厦门大学是我国(都是)最好的大学之一,那就更不用说清华大学了。

  never mind that:【非正式用语】despite the fact that 尽管,e.g.

   He's going on holiday for the third time this year, never mind that he has hardly any money left.尽管他几乎没剩下什么钱,但他还是打算去度今年的第三个假。