Paraphrasing (24th paragraph)


As noted above, governments have undertaken trade sanctions authorized by the WTO in just three instances (2 hormones, 1 bananas). In none of those three cases did compliance ensue as a result. Certainly, three data points is too small of a set to draw a conclusion about the inefficacy of trade sanctions, or the threat of trade sanctions, to induce trade compliance. But one cannot easily assume that sanctions are the jewel of the WTO system, as some commentators allege.

The main idea of the paragraph

Only in a few cases were trade sanctions applied. Even so, compliance did not materialize as expected. On the other hand, one would not easily consider trade sanctions to be the jewel of the WTO system.



Three data points are too small of a set to draw a conclusion about the inefficacy of trade sanctions, or the threat of trade sanctions, to induce trade compliance.


  1)“too small of a set to draw a conclusion”是由“too”+ 形容词 + 动词不定式构成的结构,表示“太…以致不能”的意思;

  2)介词短语“about the inefficacy of trade sanctions, or the threat of trade sanctions, to induce trade compliance”作定语,修饰名词“conclusion”,其中的动词不定式“to induce trade compliance”作定语,修饰名词“inefficacy” 。