Paraphrasing (8th paragraph)


What has been the experience so far under the WTO system? To date, there have been about 57 cases that have reached a panel judgment, and in almost all of those cases a WTO violation was found. I have not seen any studies as to the rate of actual compliance, but my impression is that it is fairly high. Authorization of retaliation has occurred in only five instances, and in only three of them was the retaliation used. The United States retaliated against the EC on bananas; Canada and the United States retaliated against the EC on hormones; Ecuador gained authorization to retaliate against the EC on bananas, but did not use it; and Canada gained authorization to retaliate against Brazil on aircraft, but did not use it.

The main idea of the paragraph

Under the WTO system, about 57 cases have reached a panel judgment so far, and only in three out of five cases where authorization occurred was the retaliation used.
