Paraphrasing (14th paragraph)


What should one make of this position? It is certainly true that the WTO legislative (or executive) functions have been carried out in a disappointing way. The WTO Agreement established several subsidiary bodies but they are not comparable in activity to the subsidiarity bodies acting under multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)or autonomous institutional arrangements, as one recent seminal article calls them (Churchill & Ultstein, 2000). There is an interesting irony here. Despite not being international organizations, the MEAs have active subsidiarity bodies that make decisions about compliance, annexes, etc. Yet despite being an international organization, and an allegedly powerful one, the WTO committees, councils, bodies, etc. do not do accomplish very much. One reason why is that there is a de facto consensus decision-making rule. Relatedly and perhaps more important, the WTO retains a bazaar-like atmosphere where bargaining deal is supreme and nothing is done in the community interest.

The main idea of the paragraph

There is an interesting irony with the WTO. Despite being an international organization and an allegedly powerful one, the WTO committees, councils, bodies, etc. do not accomplish very much. Partly responsible is that there is a consensus decision-making rule, and perhaps more important, the WTO retains a bazaar-like atmosphere there where bargaining deal is supreme and nothing is done in the community interest.



The WTO Agreement established several subsidiary bodies but they are not comparable in activity to the subsidiary bodies acting under multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) or autonomous institutional arrangements, as one recent seminal article calls them.

这是个并列复合句,并列连词“but”连接前后两个并列句,在后一个并列句中,现在分词短语“acting under … calls them”作定语,修饰名词“subsidiary bodies”;“as one recent seminal article calls them”是个非限制性的定语从句,修饰“multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)”和“autonomous institutional arrangements”,对它们进行补充说明。