Paraphrasing (18th paragraph)


Another feature of the WTO system is that it has inadequate dispute avoidance. To be sure, WTO rules call for consultations, good offices, mediation, and conciliation. But in practice nothing of substance is carried out. The Transatlantic Business Dialogue has repeatedly pointed out the need for dispute avoidance with respect to the EC and the US, but little has been done so far to settle disputes before a legal case is brought. One recent innovation at the WTO is that the EC and the US agreed to arbitration on the amount of nullification or impairment in the Copyright case. The arbiters issued their decision recently, and what happens next will bear watching.

The main idea of the paragraph

Another feature of the WTO system is that it has inadequate dispute avoidance.



bear watching

bear (+ noun or v-ing): (后接名词或动名词) to call for as suitable or essential 需要,值得,e.g.

  1)I don't know if the story is good enough to bear completing.我不知道这个短篇是否写得还可以,值得写完它。

  2)This case bears investigation.这件案子需要调查。