Paraphrasing (10th paragraph)


The success of the WTO dispute system has led to charges that it is working too well. The crude version of these criticisms is that it is wrong for sovereign governments to allow faceless bureaucrats to pass judgment on their laws and to call into question democratic domestic decision-making. The more sophisticated criticism is that the Appellate Body has been too activist and has gone too far. There are several strands of argument there. One is that the Appellate Body is too activist in reversing panels. Another is that the Appellate Body does not show enough deference to national government decisions. Another is that the Appellate Body is too willing to decide ambiguous points of law. (The critics often don't explain what the Appellate Body should do instead. Do they want a political question abstention doctrine or do they want a finding that the defendant government has not violated an existing WTO rule?) The sophisticated criticism deserves some attention and response.

The main idea of the paragraph

The success of the WTO dispute system has led to charges, among which there is one that states that Appellate Body has been too activist and has gone too far, and the criticism deserves some attention and response.



The crude version of these criticisms is that it is wrong for sovereign governments to allow faceless bureaucrats to pass judgment on their laws and to call into question democratic domestic decision-making.


  1)“The crude version of these criticisms is”是主句;

  2)“that it is wrong for sovereign governments to allow faceless bureaucrats to pass judgment on their laws and to call into question democratic domestic decision-making”是表语从句,其中“it”是形式主语,实际主语是带逻辑主语的两个动词不定式“for sovereign governments to allow faceless bureaucrats to pass judgment on their laws”和“(for sovereign governments)to call into question democratic domestic decision-making”。


call … into question

to make people uncertain about whether something is right, good, or true 对… 表示怀疑;对…有异议,e.g.

  1)His honesty was called into question.对于他是否诚实人们表示了怀疑。

  2)Nothing that has happened since has called that judgment into question.在那之后发生的事情也没有使人们对那个判断表示怀疑。