
Answer the following questions
  • When does the WTO Dispute Settlement Body play its role?
  • What complaints does the WTO dispute settlement system handle and what complaints does it not address?
  • What are the three implications of the WTO dispute settlement understanding orientation?
  • Why does the author give warnings to those who consider the WTO dispute settlement system as a model for environmental governance?
  • What is the brief version of the WTO dispute settlement process? Explain it in simple language.
  • What are the six merits of the WTO dispute settlement process?
  • What are the four weaknesses of the WTO dispute settlement process?
  • Why does the author say that the WTO dispute settlement system does not have adequate dispute avoidance, when criticizing its adjudication?
  • What is a big difference between the WTO dispute settlement system and similar systems of other international organizations?
  • Why does the author say that the WTO practice of sanctions is a little ironic?
  • What are the ideas that the WTO and the environment organizations commit themselves to respectively? And what is their difference?
  • Why do other international organizations envy the WTO's ability to impose sanctions on a non-complying nation?
  • What leads to high rate of compliance with the WTO trade rules according to the author?
  • Why in the author's opinion should the practice of sanctions of the WTO dispute settlement system not be introduced into other international institutions?
Translate the following sentences into English.
  • 教育的结果是使社会受益无穷。
  • 在适当的时候我们将注意你的异议。
  • 除了查理,所有的观众都对这场杂技表演入了迷。
  • 那个孩子正在染上说谎的坏习惯。
  • 我感到在这儿人们正在对我的能力表示怀疑。
  • 我们需要考虑可能会出现的需求方面的任何变化。
  • 税收制度偏袒那些非常富有的人,而不是普通的劳动人民
  • 他没有依靠他人的帮助独自解决了自己的困难。
  • 这是一种需要加以密切关注的倾向。
  • 史密斯从不喝啤酒,而且也不喝含酒精的饮料。
  • 暴风雪使他们一周一次的会议无法举行。
Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

The DSU addresses the question of compliance and retaliation. Within thirty days of the adoption of the report, the member concerned is to inform the DSB of its intentions in respect of implementation of the recommendations and rulings. If the member explains that it is impracticable to comply immediately with the recommendations and rulings, it is to have a "reasonable period of time" in which to comply. If no agreement is reached about the reasonable period for compliance, that issue is to be the subject of binding arbitration; the arbitrator is to be appointed by agreement of the parties. If there is a disagreement as to the satisfactory nature of the measures adopted by the respondent state to comply with the report, that disagreement is to be decided by a panel, if possible the same panel that heard the original dispute, but apparently without the possibility of appeal from its decision. The DSU provides that even if the respondent asserts that it has complied with the recommendation in a report, and even if the complainant party or the panel accepts that assertion, the DSB is supposed to keep the implementation of the recommendations under surveillance.