Paraphrasing (9th paragraph)


In conclusion, the WTO has a remarkably good dispute settlement system in many ways. With the exception of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), no global environment regime has anything rivaling it. Several years ago, Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann made the observation that the trading system was adjudicating more environmental disputes than the environmental regime was. That may not be true anymore, but the WTO continues to issue decisions that have environmental and health implications — for example, in 2001, there were decisions regarding asbestos and the shrimp-turtle dispute.

The main idea of the paragraph

The WTO has a remarkably good dispute settlement system, and the system adjudicated more environmental disputes than the environmental regime did.



That may not be true any more, but the WTO continues to issue decisions that have environmental and health implications – for example, in 2001, there were decisions regarding asbestos and the shrimp-turtle dispute.


  2)在后一个并列句中,限制性定语从句“that have environmental and health implications”修饰名词“decisions”,破折号后的成分相当于同位语,说明“decisions”的内容。


with the exception of:not including除...以外,e.g.

  1)I know all the people in the classroom with the exception of the girl with a pigtail.这个教室里的人,除了那个扎马尾巴辫的女孩,我都认识。

  2)I like all kinds of films with the exception of horror films.除了恐怖片之外,我喜欢其它各种电影。