Paraphrasing (17th paragraph)


While on the topic of adjudication, two other features of the WTO system should be noted. First, there is no basis in WTO rules for removing a WTO complaint to another international forum. Had the swordfish case proceeded, there might have been parallel adjudications in the WTO and the ITLOS. This jurisdictional issue came up early in the Foreign Sales Corporation case, where the U.S. government argued unsuccessfully that the EC should have brought the matter to the OECD. If the WTO model is replicated elsewhere, governments are going to have to deal with this the problem at assigning jurisdiction.

The main idea of the paragraph

Concerning adjudication, there are two other features of the WTO system that should be noted. One of them is that there is no basis in WTO rules for transferring a WTO complaint to another international forum.



This jurisdictional issue came up early in the Foreign Sales Corporation case, where the U.S. government argued unsuccessfully that the EC should have brought the matter to the OECD.


  1)“This jurisdictional issue came up early in the Foreign Sales Corporation case”是主句;
  2)“where the U.S. government … the OECD”是非限制性定语从句,修饰名词“case”,其中从句“that the EC should have brought the matter to the OECD”作“argued”的宾语;

  3)情态动词should + 动词不定式的完成式have brought 在这儿表示的是未履行的义务,即,欧盟本应该把这件事提交给经济合作与发展组织处理,而他们没有去做。