Paraphrasing (19th paragraph)


The most distinguishing feature of WTO dispute settlement, in contrast to systems in other regimes, is that a finding of violation can lead to a trade sanction if the scofflaw government does not comply. It is somewhat ironic that the trading system, which ostensibly favors trade, is so willing to undo the benefits of trade through authorized trade retaliation. No other regime would take such a self-contradictory action.

The main idea of the paragraph

The most distinguishing feature of WTO dispute settlement is that a finding of a violation can lead to a trade sanction if the scofflaw government does not comply, which is in contrast to systems of other international organizations.



1、The most distinguishing feature of WTO dispute settlement is that a finding of a violation can lead to a trade sanction if the scofflaw government does not comply.


  1)“The most distinguishing feature of WTO dispute settlement”是主句;

  2)“that a finding of a violation can lead to a trade sanction if the scofflaw government does not comply”是表语从句,其中的“if the scofflaw government does not comply”是条件状语从句,修饰谓语动词“can lead to”。

2、It is somewhat ironic that the trading system, which ostensibly favors trade, is so willing to undo the benefits of trade through authorized trade retaliation.


  1)“It is somewhat ironic”是主句,“it”是形式主语,实际主语是后面“that”引导的从句;

  2)“that the trading … trade retaliation”是主语从句,其中非限制性定语从句“which ostensibly favors trade”修饰名词“trading system”;另外,介词短语“through authorized trade retaliation”修饰 动词不定式“to undo the benefits of trade” 。