Paraphrasing (12th paragraph)


A distinguishable concern is that the Appellate Body is making mistakes in not interpreting WTO rules as the governments intended and is changing the rights and obligations of governments, even though it is instructed not to do that. It is hard to take this complaint seriously. Assuming governments are acting in good faith, any WTO dispute involves a difference of opinion as to what the WTO rights and obligations are. The panel and Appellate Body determine these obligations to be sure, but only in favor of what one of the two parties is arguing. Moreover, the WTO Agreement has a mechanism that governments can use to issue binding interpretations of WTO rules that can correct future panels. No recourse to this mechanism has yet occurred, at least not directly.

The main idea of the paragraph

Another criticism is that the Appellate Body is making mistakes in not interpreting WTO rules as the governments intended and is changing the rights and obligations of the governments, even though it is instructed not to do that. However, the criticism is not convincing.

另一个批评是,上诉受理机构因为没有按照政府的意愿来解释世贸组织的规则,而且在未得到容许的情况下改变政府的权利和义务而犯了错误,然而,这个批评缺乏说服力 。


1、A distinguishable concern is that the Appellate Body is making mistakes in not interpreting WTO rules as the governments intended and is changing the rights and obligations of governments, even though it is instructed not to do that.


  1)“A distinguishable concern is”是主句;

  2)“that the Appellate Body … not to do that”是表语从句,其中“is making mistakes”和“is changing the rights and obligations…”是两个并列谓语;介词短语“in not interpreting WTO rules as the governments intended”作状语,修饰“is making mistakes”,其中的方式状语从句“as the governments intended”修饰“not interpreting”;让步状语从句“even though it is instructed not to do that”修饰“is changing the rights and obligations…”。

2、Moreover, the WTO Agreement has a mechanism that governments can use to issue binding interpretations of WTO rules that can correct future panels.


  1)“the WTO Agreement has a mechanism”是主句;

  2)限制性定语从句“that governments can use to issue binding interpretations of WTO rules that can correct future panels”修饰名词“mechanism”,其中“that can correct future panels”是另一个限制性定语从句,修饰名词“rules” 。