Paraphrasing (4th paragraph)


The Bananas case is an example of settlement without compliance. At the Doha Ministerial, the WTO approved two rule waivers for the European Communities (EC) that legitimized the EC's trade discrimination. The ability to settle disputes notwithstanding a continuing violation of WTO norms should be the first yellow flag to analysts considering the WTO system as a model for environmental governance.

The main idea of the paragraph

The settlement of the bananas case where the European Union practiced trade discrimination is an example of settlement without compliance, and it sent a warning to those considering the WTO system as a model for governance.

香蕉案例是欧盟实行贸易歧视的一个例子,它的解决虽然解决了争端可是并没有同时纠正与WTO规则相抵触的事例,这也给那些考虑把世贸组织的争端解决体系作为管理典范的人提出了警示 。


yellow flag

  (figuratively) something that is used to signal to someone that there is something calling for close attention (此处为比喻用法) 警示