Paraphrasing (Briefing)

Main idea of the passage:

With the stock prices tumbling and returns shrinking, investors are deserting the funds and the mutual-fund industry is experiencing a difficult time. Looking into it, one can find out that several factors contribute to the situation the industry is facing: a crucial one being that while trying to increase the sales of funds, the mutual-fund companies neglected and even damaged the core of the business, that is, the industry should produce superior returns at low cost while protecting the investors from untoward risk, they judge their performance in relative rather than absolute terms. In the situation, bigger companies are faring even worse because of their high operating costs, their defective business model, their act of charging investors royally, and the competition from successful small companies. To restore their fortunes, it is suggested that the industry should buy portfolio management from specialists to boost their sickly performance; diversify into other business like hedge funds, separate accounts for affluent households and individual retirement accounts, develop new business like exchange-trade funds, etc


Structure of the passage:

The passage can be divided into five parts, the first three paragraphs being the first part, paragraph 4 to paragraph 6 being the second part, paragraph 7 to paragraph 10 the third part, paragraph 11 to paragraph 16 the fourth part, and paragraph 17 the last part.

The first part serves as the introduction – the U.S. mutual-fund industry rode a decade-long bull market and a booming retirement business by the end of 2000. Since then, the industry has been in free fall: investors like Marilyn Male saw their earnings shrink, and more than half of all U.S. fund companies saw more money head out the door than come in. Even more pain awaits the big mutual fund companies, as a corps of smaller, low-cost funds with smart managers and decent returns starts to compete head-on with them.

The second part tells the reader why the mutual-fund industry is in a mess – investors deserting their fund -- while building a huge machine to muscle into every brokerage office and onto every household computer screen, the companies neglect and even damaged the very core of its business: investors’ belief that the funds could produce superior returns at low cost while protecting them from untoward risk. In addition, mutual-fund managers and other investment pros such as pension-fund managers judge their performance in relative terms while most ordinary investors want to see their wealth expand in absolute terms.

The third part tells the reader the difficulties the big mutual-fund companies are experiencing – competition from small companies with successful managers, who are drawing business from institutional investors such as pension funds; their own act of charging investors royally for lackluster results which compel investors to desert them; their business model which has serious chinks, and high operating costs including the hefty paychecks to many fund execs.

The fourth part offers some suggestions for mutual-fund companies – e.g. coming to terms with the reality of huge marketing machines and rather indifferent money managers and buying portfolio management from specialists to boost their sickly performance; diversifying into other business like hedge funds, separate accounts for affluent households and individual retirement accounts, and developing new business like exchange-trade funds, etc.

The last part serves as a conclusion – to restore their fortunes, mutual-fund companies should make it its top priority to enrich their clients.