Paraphrasing (8th paragraph)


Twisting the knife in the wound, big fund companies are charging investors royally for lackluster results. They take $1.54 in fees for every $100 invested in equity funds, up nearly 14% since 1993, according to mutual-fund tracker Lipper Inc. Given that the costs of running funds don't rise much as assets grow, fees should be steady or even falling. To add insult to injury, some fund groups that have lost scads of money for investors are sticking them with extra charges — because the value of their accounts has sunk below the minimum investment. T. Rowe Price Associates, Dreyfus, Fildelity, and Zurich Scudder Investments impose such penalties. Others, including Franklin Resources, are even raising the minimum. Apart from being stuck with those charges, some investors with big losses face steep tax bills — for capital gains on stocks bought months or years before they became shareholders.

The main idea of the paragraph

The investors are having a difficult time. While the costs of running funds don’t rise much as assets grow, the fees the fund companies charge increase. As a result of the raising of the minimum by some companies, the investors have to pay penalty fines when their accounts sink below the minimum investment. Besides, they have to face steep tax bills for capital gains on stocks bought long before they became shareholders. (All these plus loss from the funds are contributing to the fleeing of investors from the fund market.



To add insult to injury, some fund groups that have lost scads of money for investors are sticking them with extra charges – because the value of their accounts has sunk below the minimum investment.
   1)some fund groups are sticking them with extra charges是主句
  2)that have lost scads of money for investors是限制性定语从句,修饰名词fund groups
  3)because the value of their accounts has sunk below the minimum investment是原因状语从句,修饰动词are sticking.
  4)to add insult to injury 是插入语,用来说明个人的意见或态度等


1add insult to injury
to make a bad situation worse for someone who has already been treated badly 辱上加辱;更糟,e.g.
  1)She not only deceived him but, to add insult to injury, had him pay for her meal.她不但骗他,而且令他辱上加辱的是,她还让他付她的饭钱。
  2)The bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter telling me so!银行不但拒绝给我退钱,而且令我辱上加辱的是,银行还要我支付通知我的信函的邮资。

2stick someone with something/(someone) be stuck with something
make someone/(someone) be made to accept something, when one does not want to 强加于;使…负担
  1)They always stick me with the dirty work.他们老是把脏活交给我干。
  2)Bill left and I was stuck with the bill. Bill走了,只能由我付账。
  3)Rosenberg was stuck with 400 shirts that cost $4 each.罗森伯格手上压了400件单价4块钱的衬衣。