Paraphrasing (1st paragraph)


Retired New York broker Marilyn Male is down in the dumps. Her investment in Baron Asset Fund has lost 17% this year. In three years, the $3.4 billion fund has earned a measly 2.5% — less than she could have made in a plain-vanilla money market account. Outside the New York Grand Hyatt's Empire State Ballroom, Male is in no mood to join the 2 000 shareholders boogying to a Motown band, wolfing down shrimp cocktail, and cheering patriotically as Liza Minnelli belts out New York, New York at Baron Fund's recent shindig. "`Am I concerned?' isn't a good question," she grumbles, "`Am I thinking about never buying another mutual fund again?' is a better one."

The main idea of the paragraph

The mutual fund did not bring a satisfactory return and even made a loss, which made the investors like Marilyn Male unhappy.



Outside the New York Grand Hyatt’s Empire State Ballroom, Male is in no mood to join the 2,000 shareholders boogying to a Motown band, wolfing down shrimp cocktail, and cheering patriotically as Liza Minnelli belts out New York, New York at Baron Fund’s recent shindig.


  1)Outside the New York Grand Hyatt’s Empire State Ballroom, Male is in no mood to join the 2,000 shareholders 是主句

  2)boogying to a Motown band, wolfing down shrimp cocktail, 和 cheering patriotically as Liza Minnelli belts out New York, New York at Baron Fund’s recent shindig 是三个现在分词短语,作伴随状语,说明和to join the 2,000 shareholders同时发生的动作;这个结构也可以理解为是join the 2,000 shareholders (in) boogying to a Motown band, wolfing down shrimp cocktail, and cheering patriotically as Liza Minnelli belts out New York, New York at Baron Fund’s recent shindig省略了介词“in”,join someone in (doing) something意思是“加入某人,和某人一起做某事”;其中的as Liza Minnelli belts out New York, New York at Baron Fund’s recent shindig 是个时间状语从句,说明cheering的时间