Paraphrasing (10th paragraph)


Indeed, few companies have faced up to the new reality by cutting staff, trimming offerings, or nixing expansion plans. Many fund execs still earn more than Wall Street tycoons: Mario J. Gabilli of Babelli Assent Management Inc. raked in $45.5 million in 2000, while Lawrence J. Lasser at Marsh & McLennan's Putnam Funds pulled in $35.2 million, including options and other cash payouts. The median portfolio manager will earn about $436 500 this year, 35% more than in 1 999, according to headhunter Russell Reynolds Associates. In fact, expenses will grow faster than revenues for the third straight year as a result of hefty paychecks: employee expenses account for 70% of operating outlays, says Capital Resource Advisors, a Chicago financial-services consultant. Overall operating margins, while still a heady 35%, are 1 6% less than two years ago. "Most big fund companies are hurting. Their talent is leaving. Combine that with complacency, and we're in for a remarkable transition like we've never seen before," says Christopher J. Acito, managing director of financial services for Barra Strategic Consulting Group.

The main idea of the paragraph

Even in the face of harsh reality, few fund companies are cutting staff, trimming offerings or nixing expansion plans. Many fund execs still earn more than Wall Street Tycoons. However, they are in for a huge change they have never experienced before.



Combine that with complacency, and we’re in for a remarkable transition like we’ve never seen before.
  1)这个句子是由祈使句Combine that with complacency 和陈述句we’re in for a remarkable transition like we’ve never seen before构成,在这个结构中,如果两个句子是由and连接,则前面的祈使句相当于条件状语从句if we combine that with complacency, 例如Study hard, and your English will improve. (=If you study hard, your English will improve.)如果你努力学习,你的英语就会有所提高。
  2)like we’ve never seen before是个方式状语从句,like可以换成as