Paraphrasing (7th paragraph)


The few successful managers increasingly come from the hundreds of boutique firms running small funds most investors have never heard of. The $46 million Aegis Value Fund, for instance, is up over 36% this year and has trounced both its peers and the S & P over the past three years. Aegis and its ilk are starting to eat the behemoths' lunches. And increasingly, they're drawing business from institutional investors such as pension funds. For example, Strategic Investment Group (SIC) is placing $40 million with entrepreneurial portfolio upstarts to manage on behalf of the $1 51 billion California Public Employees' Retirement System, the world's second largest. SIC Chief Executive Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg says big brand-name funds are a potential "toxic-waste site" for the baby boomers' retirement hopes. "All I see in their future is downside risk and very little upside potential," she says.

The main idea of the paragraph

The few successful managers increasingly come from small mutual fund companies, and in the opinion of one of them, big brand-name fund companies are a potential “toxic-waste site” and have little upside potential.
