Paraphrasing (Summary)

With the stock prices tumbling and returns shrinking, investors are deserting the funds and the mutual-fund industry is experiencing a difficult time. Looking into it, one can find out that several factors contribute to the situation the industry is facing: a crucial one being that while trying to increase the sales of funds, the mutual-fund companies neglected and even damaged the core of the business, that is, the industry should produce superior returns at low cost while protecting the investors from untoward risk, they judge their performance in relative rather than absolute terms. In the situation, bigger companies are faring even worse because of their high operating costs, their defective business model, their act of charging investors royally, and the competition from successful small companies. To restore their fortunes, it is suggested that the industry should buy portfolio management from specialists to boost their sickly performance; diversify into other business like hedge funds, separate accounts for affluent households and individual retirement accounts, develop new business like exchange-trade funds, etc.

The key to regaining success for the mutual-fund industry is to make it top priority to enrich its clients, and the worst tactic would be to sit back and wait for the market to recover and for the money to start rolling in again, especially faced with slow growth.

