Paraphrasing (4th paragraph)


Perhaps even more ominous is how the industry has damaged the very core of its business: investors' belief that the funds could produce superior returns at low cost while protecting them from untoward risk. Those investors still hanging on may be in for even more bad news as the funds scramble to cut costs. The coming wave of consolidation could throw many investors into mediocre funds with no clear mission. Many of the funds may raise fees and insist on bigger minimum investments to bolster their shrinking margins.

The main idea of the paragraph

Perhaps even gloomier is that the industry has damaged the very core of its business: investors’ belief that the funds could produce superior returns at low cost while protecting them from untoward risk.



Perhaps even more ominous is how the industry has damaged the very core of its business: investors’ belief that the funds could produce superior returns at low cost while protecting them from untoward risk.


  2)how the industry has damaged the very core of its business 是主语从句

  3)investors’ belief that the funds could produce superior returns at low cost while protecting them from untoward risk 是同位语,说明core的内容,that the funds could produce superior returns at low cost while protecting them from untoward risk是同位语从句,说明belief的内容,其中的while protecting them from untoward risk是个省略了主语的时间状语从句,说明谓语could produce,这个从句如果补全,则是while the funds protect them from untoward risk