Paraphrasing (12th paragraph)


Investors are just fleeing weak markets and poor performance — they're searching for sophisticated, custom-fit investments. Mercer Manager Advisory Service reports that $9.3 billion went into competing alternative investments, such as hedge funds and private-equity partnerships in the first half of 2001, up from $4.8 billion in the first half of 2000. "Investors are so disappointed with performance that they're thinking, `By God, if I'm going to spend money in this environment, I want smarter managers," says John Markese, president of the 1 70 000-member American Association of Individual Investors in Chicago. "I don't know that the mutual-fund industry can deliver."

The main idea of the paragraph

In this situation, investors are fleeing weak markets and poor performance. They are searching for sophisticated, customer-fit investments, seeking smarter managers and going into competing alternative investments such as hedge funds and private-equity partnerships.
