Paraphrasing (2nd paragraph)


No doubt about it, America's long romance with mutual funds is in on the rocks. The industry rode a decade-long bull market and a booming retirement business so well that it managed a record $7.5 trillion of assets — nearly as much as Europe's annual gross national product — by the end of 2000. Since then, the industry has been in free fall. Assets have tumbled 12%, to $6.6 trillion. The carnage in stock funds — the biggest money-spinners for management companies — is far bloodier. Assets have slumped 20% this year, to $ 3.1 trillion, while net new sales are off by 95%. The 77-year-old industry has endured three of its biggest-ever one-month outflows from equity funds this year, a bigger cash drain than even in the 1987 stock market crash. More than half of all U.S. fund companies have seen more money head out the door than come in, says Boston's Financial Research Corp. "Everybody's boat is sitting on the bottom right now," says Daniel T. Geraci, CEO of Boston's Pioneer Investment Management USA Inc. "The tide went out for all of us."

The main idea of the paragraph

The mutual-fund industry rode a decade-long bull market. Then it began to fall, especially in stock funds. So did the number of investors in funds, leading to a bigger cash drain than even the 1987 stock market crash.



The industry rode a decade-long bull market and a booming retirement business so well that it managed a record $7.5 trillion of assets –nearly as much as Europe’s annual gross national product – by the end of 2000.


  1)The industry rode a decade-long bull market and a booming retirement business so well 是主句

  2)that it managed a record $7.5 trillion of assets by the end of 2000是个状语从句,它和so well 一起,表示结果

  3)nearly as much as Europe’s annual gross national product 相当于非限制性定语从句which was nearly as much as Europe’s annual gross national product,修饰$7.5 trillion of assets.