Paraphrasing (Briefing)

Main idea of the passage:

In recent years, indicators of global integration have shown its remarkable growth, in which the expansion of information and communications technology has played an important role. In globalization, North America, the Scandinavian countries and some other countries take the lead, leaving the rest of the world far behind. Some critics think that globalization leads to the income disparity, but they fail to take into account the role in income distribution of many other factors. Besides, the empirical evidence suggests that most countries that engage themselves in higher globalization enjoy greater income equality.

At present Globalization Index provides a comprehensive view of global integration through an analysis of its component parts. However, many challenges highlight the need for a closer and more refined examination of the forces driving global integration and the need for further refinement of the tools used to measure it.



Structure of the passage:

The passage can be divided into seven parts, the first paragraph being the first part, paragraph 2 to paragraph 5 being the second part, paragraph 6 to paragraph 9 the third part, paragraph 10 to paragraph 18 the fourth part, paragraph 19 to paragraph 21 the fifth part, paragraph 22 to paragraph 24 the sixth part, and paragraphs 25 & 26 the seventh and last part.

The first part serves as the introduction – in recent years indicators of global integration have shown remarkable growth, concerning international travelers and tourists, foreign direct investment, international telephone calls and an online population.

The second part explains the role of information technology in the process of globalization.

The third part tells the reader about some factors that contribute to globalization such as aggressive pursuit of integration, geography, small domestic markets, highly educated workers and labor flexibility, travel and tourism, investment, etc.

The fourth part tells the reader that the Scandinavian countries and North America, by riding the wave of Internet development and by aggressively implementing reforms, rank high on Globalization Index. At the same time the digital divide between developed and developing countries has come into being and it is more like a digital abyss.

The fifth part tells the reader that what developing countries should do to bridge the digital abyss.

In the sixth part the author, against the accusation that globalization increases income inequality, tells the reader that highly-globalized emerging-market countries exhibit a much more egalitarian distribution of income than emerging-market nations ranking near the bottom of the Globalization Index and that many factors may lead to income inequality such as history, economic growth, price and wage controls, welfare programs, education policies, population, etc.

The seventh and last part tells the reader that Globalization Index provides a comprehensive view of global integration through an analysis of its component parts but that, given the challenges it faces, there is the need for a closer and more refined examination of the forces driving global integration and for further refinement of the tools used to measure it.