Paraphrasing (1st paragraph)


In recent years, indicators of global integration have shown remarkable growth. The number of international travelers and tourists has risen, now averaging almost three million people daily — up from only one million per day in 1980. The latest data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development show that foreign direct investment jumped 27 percent in 1999 to reach an all-time high of US$865 billion, while total cross-border flows of short-and long-term investments have more than doubled between 1995 and 1999. Due to the falling cost of international telephone calls and the rising levels of cross-border activity, the traffic on international switchboards topped 100 billion minutes for the first time in 2000. And with an online population estimated at more than 250 million and growing, more people in more distant places have the opportunity for direct communication than ever before.

The main idea of the paragraph

In recent years, indicators have shown a remarkable growth in global integration, for example, in international traveling, in cross-board flows of short- and long-term investments, in international telephone calls and in the number of people using the Internet for distance communication.
