Paraphrasing (25th paragraph)


Trade, foreign direct investment, international telephone calls, Internet servers — considered individually, statistics on each of these phenomena are accurate, albeit insufficient, measures of global interdependence. Yet, just as a cat scan creates a three-dimensional image of the human anatomy from a series of two-dimensional images, the A. T. Kearney I FOREIGN POLICY Magazine Globalization Index provides a comprehensive view of global integration through an analysis of its component parts.

The main idea of the paragraph

Globalization Index provides a comprehensive view of global integration through an analysis of its component parts.



cat scan 计算机X射线轴向分层造影扫描图

an image produced by a CAT scanner. CAT scans (computerized axial tomography(X线断层摄影术)) scans, also called CT (computed tomography) scans, are completed with the use of a 360-degree x-ray beam and computer production of images. These scans allow for cross-sectional views of body organs and tissues.