Paraphrasing (20th paragraph)


If this "digital abyss" is to be bridged, developing nations have the most ground to cover. But deciding how to use their limited resources poses a difficult dilemma. Malaysia offers but one example of the perverse choices that can ensue. In an effort to attract investment and develop its high-technology capabilities, Malaysia has spent more than US$3.6 billion on its Multimedia Super Corridor. At the same time, over 70 percent of the nation’s primary schools lack computer facilities, and almost 10 percent lack proper connections for water and electricity. The result is an impressive infrastructure not sufficiently supported by human capital.

The main idea of the paragraph

To bridge the “digital abyss”, developing countries have to decide how to use their limited resources so as not to make the same mistakes as Malaysia did, that is, its Multimedia Super Corridor was set up while over 70% of the nation’s primary schools lack computer facilities.
