Paraphrasing (Summary)


In recent years, indicators of global integration have shown its remarkable growth, in which the expansion of information and communications technology has played an important role. In the process of globalization, North America, the Scandinavian countries and some other countries, because they are better positioned to benefit from global communications technologies or because they are more aggressive about reforms to attract foreign trade and investment, take the lead, leaving the rest of the world far behind. Some critics think that globalization leads to the income disparity. However, they fail to take into account the role in income distribution of such factors as history, economic growth, price and wage controls, welfare programs, educational policies and population. Besides, the empirical evidence suggests that most countries, both in mature economies and in emerging market, which engage themselves in higher globalization, enjoys greater income equality.

At present Globalization Index provides a comprehensive view of global integration through an analysis of its component parts. However, many forces drawing countries into globalization are beyond their ability to control and some aspects of globalization like culture and ideas are not quantifiable --these and some other challenges highlight the need for a closer and more refined examination of the forces driving global integration and the need for further refinement of the tools used to measure it.

