Paraphrasing (23rd paragraph)


Moreover, the empirical evidence suggests a very different story about income disparity and globalization. Emerging-market countries that are highly globafized (such as Poland, Israel, the Czech Republic, and Hungary) exhibit a much more egalitarian distribution of income than emerging-market nations that rank near the bottom of the Globalization Index (such as Russia and Argentina). There are some exceptions: Malaysia, for instance, is more globalized but less equal than Poland. But the general pattern of higher globalization and greater income equality holds for most countries, both in mature economies and emerging markets.

The main idea of the paragraph

The empirical evidence suggests that, the higher globalized, the greater income equality, both in mature economies and emerging markets.



Emerging-market countries that are highly globalized (such as Poland, Israel, the Czech Republic, and Hungary) exhibit a much more egalitarian distribution of income than emerging-market nations that rank near the bottom of the Globalization Index (such as Russia and Argentina).在此句中:

1、Emerging-market countries (such as Poland, Israel, the Czech Republic, and Hungary) exhibit a much more egalitarian distribution of income是主句,such as Poland, Israel, the Czech Republic, and Hungary是定语,修饰名词“countries”

2、that are highly globalized是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“countries”

3、than emerging-market nations that rank near the bottom of the Globalization Index (such as Russia and Argentina) (do) 是比较状语从句,和“more”一起构成比较;其中的“that rank near the bottom of the Globalization Index”是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“nations”,“such as Russia and Argentina”也修饰名词“nations”