Paraphrasing (13th paragraph)


But among industrialized countries, another digital divide exists. The Internet has penetrated deeply in the United States, with neighboring Canada not far behind. In both countries, over 25 percent of the population enjoyed Internet access by 1998 (the last year for which data are available for all countries in the survey). More recent estimates put that number above 40 percent in both countries. Perhaps more important, the United States and Canada lead the world in secure servers suitabte for electronic commerce, signifying that their well-developed Internet networks can be used effectively to enhance commercial activities as well as personal communication.

The main idea of the paragraph

Even among industrialized countries, there also exists a digital divide, with the United States taking the lead, followed closely by Canada. More important, both lead the world in secure servers suitable for electronic commerce, signifying that their internet networks can be used effectively to enhance commercial activities and personal communication.
