Paraphrasing (17th paragraph)


In similar ways, neighboring Finland suggests the possibilities of this Internetled revolution. In1995, Finland topped all others in terms of Internet access. Information technology made it possible for Finnish companies to respond to competitive pressures by diversifying both their export markets and their workforce. Recent studies show that over one quarter of Finnish exports now go to countries beyond Europe, up from less than one fifth in 1 990. And nearly half the staff of Finland’s 30 largest companies now operate overseas, as compared to only 15 percent in 1983. Although other countries have since pulled ahead in levels of Internet penetration, Finland has witnessed rising levels of trade and investment that have pushed it into the fifth position overall in the Globalization Index, much higher than it would have placed only a few years ago. One other symbol of success: the market capitalization of Nokia, Finland’s global telecommunications giant, is now higher than the country’s gross domestic product.

The main idea of the paragraph

A similar example is neighboring Finland, whose adoption of information technology has contributed to its rising levels of trade and investment that have pushed it into the fifth position in the Globalization Index.



Although other countries have since pulled ahead in levels of Internet penetration, Finland has witnessed rising levels of trade and investment that have pushed it into the fifth position overall in the Globalization Index, much higher than it would have placed only a few years ago.


1、Finland has witnessed rising levels of trade and investment是主句

2、Although other countries have since pulled ahead in levels of Internet penetration 是让步状语从句

3、that have pushed it … years ago 是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“levels of trade and investment”,其中:

much higher than it would have placed only a few years ago是个省略了关系代词和谓语动词“which is”的非限制性定语从句,补充说明“the fifth position”,其内还有“than”引导的比较状语从句“than it would have placed only a few years ago”,其中的“would have placed”采用的是虚拟语气,表示对过去的非真实的假设